Lewis, J. Patrick. Underwear salesman jobs for better or verse. Illus. Serge Bloch. New York: Atheneum for Young Readers, 2009. Print. ISBN 9780689853258.
Lewis creates this collection of his verse poetry based on a variety of occupations using haikus, wit, word shapes, rhymes, word play, irony, puns, analogies, and limericks. Much of the word play used will be difficult for children, especially ELL students to understand, such as pixie wig and the toupee, found in the “Pet Groomer’s”. Lewis uses on set rime, alliteration as in “Bird Watcher” and onomatopoeias (Zooooooooooooom), and repetition of words, “clunk-clunk” and “thunk-thunk.” Lewis uses sensory images through his poems through smell, sight, touch, taste, and hearing. Concrete meanings and literal images are found in the poems but some can appear to be abstract to children due to the puns, jokes, (“Pet Groomer,” “Plumber”) and figurative language. A light playful tone and mood is found throughout the collection. The poems are abstract in language choices causing much thought in order to comprehend the message leaving little time to develop emotions regarding the poetry.
The Underwear Salesman jobs for better or verse contains poetic types and forms that are appealing, when read, to children and the poems retains their attention because they are short, light, and have funny and made up words, sounds and rhymes. The title starts the giggling! There will be much explaining for the children to comprehend some of the meaning due to tools the poet uses. Only a few poems should be read in one sitting allowing the students to digest the poem.
There is no Table of Contents or headings to guide the reader to the poems. Each poem is simply titled with the occupation which is addressed in the poem. The book opens with,
“Guess how many jobs there are /At the occupation
salad bar!”
Lewis writes the book “(For children overqualified/For boring jobs).”
Serge Bloch, the illustrator, compliments the poetry with whimsical, simple, and colorful illustrations which are effectively placed around or by the poem. White space is used to focus on Block’s and Lewis’ work.
Library Lesson:
“Sword Shallower”
Two rules sword shallowers follow
That normally follow a swallow:
1. Look up to the ceiling.
2. Ignore your gut feeling.
Discuss the importance of rules when there is task to be done. Ask -what is a task the students do that need to be done by following rules? Read the poem. Lead a discussion about why his two rules are important. Discuss the rhymes in the poem. The students write a poem titling it with the job they are doing, such as Soccer Kicker, followed by a poem which contains information telling about the rules and the rules in addition to an illustration showing the rules being followed.
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